Bamberg 2019
Place and Space: Theological perspectives on living in the world
University of Bamberg, Germany
23-26 september 2019
University of Bamberg, Germany.
The fifth GNPT Consultation took place at the University of Bamberg organised by the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Research Centre for Public Theology during 23–26 Stember 2019.
This conference topic was “Place and Space: Theological perspectives on living in the world”, serving as a prism that refracts the character of global public theologies and bringing out present day challenges in various contexts. During this consultation, experts illuminated some of these aspects in their keynote speeches. Likewise, resarchers of variate contexts contributed with papers and took part in discussions.
The keynote speaker were Prof. Dr Tinyiko Maluleke (South Africa), Prof. Dr Heinrich Bedford-Strohm (Germany), Prof. Dr Rima Nasrallah (Lebanon), Prof. Dr Claudia Jahnel (Germany), Prof. Dr Willie J. Jennings (USA), Prof. Dr Klaus Bieberstein, (Germany), and Prof. Dr Hubert Knoblauch, (Germany).
Moreover, the consultation in Bamberg was a fitting moment for talk about “place and Space”, because few cities offer so many charming places to discover, both secular and sacred, in so small a place.
Source: Text adapted from the Programme.