Curitiba 2022: Working Groups approved

The Global Networking for Public Theology approved Working Groups for the next GNPT Consultation in Curitiba 2022 .

List of Working Groups

Asian Cities and Christian Hope 
Dr Gnana Patrick (University of Madras)
Dr Paul Rohan (University of Jaffna) 
Dr Yip Mei Loh (Chung Yuan Christian University) 

Common home and new ways of living interculturally: public theology and cultural ecology in (post)pandemic times 
Dr Alex Villas Boas (Universidade Católica Portuguesa) 
Dr Jefferson Zeferino (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná) 
Dr Alexandre Palma (Universidade Católica Portuguesa) 

Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Public Theology 
Dr Dianne Rayson (Charles Sturt University) 
Dr Carlos Caldas (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais) 
Dr Wilhelm Sell (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná) 

Gender, Sexuality and Public Theology 
Dr Ester McIntosh (York St John University) 
Dr David Tombs (University of Otago) 
Dr Charlene von der Walt (University of KuaZulu Natal) 

Human Rights, Religions and Gender in a (post)pandemic perspective in contemporaneity 
Dr Claudete Beise Ulrich (UNIDA) 
Dr Nivia Ivette Núñez de la Paz (UNINI, México) 
Dr Celso Gabatz (EST) 

Just housing – affordable, sustainable, aesthetically appealing? 
Dr Stephan de Beer (University of Pretoria) 
Dr Thomas Wabel (Universität Bamberg) 

Liveable Cities 
Dr Clive Pearson (PaCT/Sydney) 
Dr Peter Walker (PaCT/Sydney)  
Dr Murray Rae (Otago, NZ – in Dunedin) 
Dr Andrew Shepherd (Otago, NZ – in Welling) 

Digital Public Theologies
Dr Frederike van Oorschot (FEST Heidelberg/Bonn University)
Dr Stephen Garner (Laidlaw College, New Zealand/Australian College of Theology)
Dr Thomas Schlag (Centre for Church Development at the University of Zurich)

Political and Public Theologies 
Dr Ana Rosa Cloclet (Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas) 
Dr Dion Forster (University of Stellenbosch) 
Dr Rudolf von Sinner (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná) 

Public Theology and Decoloniality 
Dr Heike Walz (Univ. Augustana-Hochschule) 
Dr José Mário Gonçalves (UNIDA) 
Dr Nicolás Panotto (OC/Univ. Arturo Pratt) 

Public Theology and Migration 
Dr Seforosa Carrol (WCC) 
Dr Ulrich Schmiedel (University of Edinburgh) 
Dr Sturla J. Stålsett (MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society) 

Public Theology and Religious Nationalisms in the 21st Century 
Dr Graham McGeoch (UNIDA) 
Dr Raimundo César Barreto Jr. (Princeton Theological Seminary) 
Dr Wanderley Pereira da Rosa (UNIDA) 

Shaping urban futures: Theological education as engaged scholarship 
Dr Sarojini Nadar (University of the Western Cape) 
Emmanuel Akatukunda (Kampala Evangelical School of Theology – Kampala, Uganda) (PhD Candidate – University of Pretoria) 
Michael Ribbens (Resonate Global Mission; Street Psalms Senior Fellow – Johannesburg, South Africa) (PhD Candidate – University of Pretoria) 

The Reformed Tradition and Global Public Theology 
Dr Matthew Kaemingk (Fuller Theological Seminary) 
Dr George Harinck (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) 


Call for papers


Building inclusive communities