Richard Kearney will deliver a keynote lecture at the GNPT VI Consultation

Professor Kearney is an outstanding thinker of our time. He holds the Charles B. Seelig Chair of Philosophy at Boston College, has authored and/or edited over 40 books. 

He has served in academic positions in institutions such as the University College Dublin, Sorbonne, the Australian Catholic University, the University of Nice, as well as in non-academic positions in the Arts Council of Ireland, the Higher Education Authority of Ireland and the Irish School of Film at University College Dublin. Also in Ireland, he wrought on proposals for a Northern Irish peace agreement.

Religions and theology and related topics are present in works such as Anatheism: Returning to God after God, Strangers, Gods and Monsters, and Reimagining the Sacred. Theopoetics is also a continuous interest of his work.

Recently, Professor Kearney has being developing research on hospitality which is translated into his Guestbook Project. The question of the touch has also become key for his current investigations. On this matter he co-edited the book on Carnal Hermeneutics and authored, in 2021, the book Touch: Recovering our Most Vital Sense.

We look forward to listening to Professor Kearney’s insights on Vibrating Cities.


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