Canberra-Sydney 2010
Public Theology: Exploring the Parameters
Charles Sturt University, Australia
1–5 September 2010
Charles Sturt University, Canberra
They examined the scope of public theology and its relationship to other traditional theological discourses. There were also group discussions and critical evaluations of the IJPT and the proposed monograph entitled ‘Companion to Public Theology’. Parallel sessions were presented by GNPT members on topics including faith in the public square, issues of state and churches, reconceiving ‘the public’, globalization, public culture, business ethics, feminist public theology and ‘kairos’ theologies.
A selection of conference proceedings was subsequently published in a special edition of the International Journal of Public Theology. ↗
The second triennial consultation of the Global Network for Public Theology (GNPT) was held at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture (ACCC), Charles Sturt University, Canberra and at the United Theological College, Sydney on the theme of ‘Public Theology: Exploring the Parameters’ on 1–5 September 2010. The participants were welcomed by James Haire, presiding chair of the GNPT; Ross Chambers, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Charles Sturt University and Will Storrar, former chair of the GNPT; and engaged in discussions around the theme for the following four days.
The plenary speakers discussed the sub-themes of ‘Scripture and Public Theology’; ‘Systematic Theology and Public Theology’ and ‘Public Theology and Methodology: New Approaches, Ethics, Contextual Theology’.
Source: Kim, S. (2011). Editorial, International Journal of Public Theology, 5(2), 123-125. doi: https://doi.org/10.1163/156973211X562723