von Sinner in HCIAS Public Lecture

The Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies (HCIAS) announces a Public Lecture, on May,3 4:15pm (CET), with Rudolf von Sinner (PUCPR, Brazil) about "Pandemic Religion in Brazil - socio-political perceptions and public theological reflections". The event is aviable online via the Zoom plataform.

HCIAS Public Lecture
May 3, 4:15 PM (CET)
Pandemic Religion in Brazil - socio-political perceptions and public theological reflections
Rudolf von Sinner (PUCPR, Brazil)
On site and online https://zoom.us/j/92322213492?pwd=eUdINnBzVTh2NzZGdEMxaVhPQlBFZz09


HCIAS | reprodution

The Heidelberg Center for Ibero-American Studies · HCIAS is a central research institution at Heidelberg University founded in 2019. The HCIAS takes full advantage of the University’s research and teaching prowess to address interdisciplinary issues concerning Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula as well as regions with which they are historically or socioeconomically linked, such as the Mediterranean, the Caribbean, North America, and Asia.

See more on https://www.uni-heidelberg.de/hcias/index.html


New issue of IJPT prepares VI GNPT Consultation


Cláudio Carvalhaes will deliver a keynote lecture at the GNPT VI Consultation