Cláudio Carvalhaes will deliver a keynote lecture at the GNPT VI Consultation

Cláudio Carvalhaes was born in a poor neighbourhood in São Paulo. From this early and profound experiences, and without losing the ground that formed his identity, he made his most impressive way to becoming an “earth thinker, theologian, liturgist and artist” as he affirms on his personal website.

Indeed, Carvalhaes calls attention through his unique way of combining academic research, teaching, preaching and performing, which made him a much sought after preacher and presenter at local, national, and international events. Among others, he performed at the Societas Liturgica and the International Academy of Practical Theology, led worship for the All African Council of Churches in Mozambique, taught at the Global Institute of Theology of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, and has been leading worship and teaching at the Hispanic Summer Program since 2013.

After an MDiv from the Independent Presbyterian Seminary at São Paulo and a Master’s degree from the Methodist University of São Paulo at São Bernardo do Campo, he completed his PhD in Liturgy and Theology at Union Theological Seminary in New York City in 2007.

An ordained pastor with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Carvalhaes taught at McCormick Theological Seminary, Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary before joining Union Theological Seminar as Associate Professor of Worship.

Also a prolific writer, Carvalhaes has four books in English: Rituals at World’s End: Essays on Eco-Liturgical Liberation Theology (2021); Praying with Every Heart – Orienting Our Lives to the Wholeness of the World (2021); What Does Worship Have to do With it? Interpreting Life, Church, and the World Liturgically (2018) and Eucharist and Globalization: Redrawing the Borders of Eucharistic Hospitality (2013).

We look forward to perceiving Professor Carvalhaes’ insights on vibrating cities.


von Sinner in HCIAS Public Lecture


Cyril Hovorun will deliver a keynote lecture at the GNPT VI Consultation