New Issue of IJPT explores "Public Theologies in Vibrating Cities – Global Perspectives"

The recently released issue of the International Journal of Public Theology (IJPT) delves into the complex dynamics of public theologies within the context of vibrating cities, offering global perspectives on urban challenges. The seven selected texts, subject to rigorous peer review, emerged from discussions held at VI GNPT Consultation that took place in Curitiba (Brazil), from October 3–6, 2022.

The global perspectives presented in this issue resonate with the varied reverberations emanating from cities worldwide. Issues such as inequality, spatial injustice, the climate crisis, gender disparities, sexual abuse, (post-)pandemic challenges, and religious freedom are woven into the fabric of urban life. These topics propel theology into action, demanding sensitive and meaningful approaches to safeguard endangered lives, regardless of where they may be. The journal invites readers to embark on a journey through these diverse and pressing issues, fostering fruitful reading and reflection.

In tackling the complexities of our urban existence, the IJPT aims to be a space for dialogue, encouraging scholars, theologians, and policymakers to collectively address the challenges posed in our commum house.

Read now here.


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